Are you an expert organizer? Love to label? Well, if you know a harried mom, swamped student, or any other busy bee on your list, perhaps the best gift you can give him or her is the gift of a little organization. Most of us have a drawer, closet, or pantry that's a wreck that we're always promising we'll get in order, but never have the time. Why not promise someone you'll do it for them? You can buy your organization tools pretty cheaply, and the rest is the gift of your time.

Take for example this
awesome pantry makeover from
A Little of This, A Little of That. I love how Sarah got her pantry in order and kept it looking cute! Check out her blog for before pictures and info on where to shop for supplies.
Since you can't really place an organized pantry under the Christmas tree, a fun idea might be to frame a picture of the messy "before" space your going to organize. Wrap it up, and then when it's opened reveal the surprise!
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